1. The name of the Society is Maple Hills Lot Owners' Association.
2. The objects of the Society are:
(a) To represent
the lot owners on those subjects having a direct bearing on the
owners of lots in Maple Hills Subdivision (the "Subdivision"), which is located
at Butler Lake, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia.
(b ) To maintain the
access to the Subdivision.
(c) To retain
the natural beauty of the land comprising the subdivision.
(d) To acquire
by way of grant, gift, purchase, bequest, devise, or otherwise, real
and personal property and to use and apply such property to the realization of the
objects of the Society.
To buy, own, hold, lease, mortgage, sell and convey such real and personal
property as may be necessary or desirable in the carrying out of the objects of the
(f) To
do all other acts and things as may be necessary for or incidental to the
attainment of the foregoing objects.
PROVIDED that nothing herein contained shall
permit the Society to carry on any trade,
industry or business, and the Society shall be carried on without purpose of gain to any of the
members, and that any surplus or any accretions of the Society shall be used solely for the
purposes of the Society and the promotion of its objects.
PROVIDED FURTHER that if for any reason the operations
of the Society are
terminated or are wound up, or are dissolved, and there remains, at that time, after satisfaction
of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall be paid to some other charitable organization in Canada having
objects similar to those of the Society.